
2023년 6월

2023. 6 영도도서관남항분관-음식
  • A pizza with everything on it
    Kyle Scheele
  • Avocado asks
    Momoko Abe
  • Ten Fat Sausages
    Michelle Robinson
  • Mr. Crum's potato predicament
    Anne Renaud
  • No kimchi for me!
    Aram Kim
2023년 6월 영도도서관 남항분관
연번 서명 저자명 청구기호
1 A pizza with everything on it Kyle Scheele 843-4858
2 Avocado asks Momoko Abe 843-4862
3 Ten Fat Sausages Michelle Robinson 843-4638
4 Mr. Crum's potato predicament Anne Renaud 843-3719
5 No kimchi for me! Aram Kim 843-5164
6 Soul food Sunday Winsome Bingham ; Charles G. Esperanza 813.8-45
7 (The) Way the Cookie Crumbled Jessen Shaffer 747-93-4-[10]
8 Healthy foods around the world Beth Bence Reinke 517.5-1-2
9 Ketchup on your cornflakes? Nick Sharratt EI 808-7-1
10 Let`s taco about how great you are Bob Holt 334-10
11 World pizza Cece Meng 843-3711
12 Busy baking Louise Forshaw EI 375.1-351-5
13 My very first book of food Eric Carle EI 375.1-176-8
14 Everything & everywhere : a fact-filled adventure for curious globe-trotters Marc Martin 034-3
15 Hot diggity dog : the history of the hot dog Adrienne Sylver 594-10
16 Bread Bread Bread Ann Morris 594-4=2
17 Evening meals around the world Michele Zurakowski 594-3
18 (Pinkalicious) Cupcake cookbook Victoria Kann 594.5-12
19 Let's go nuts! : seeds we eat April Pulley Sayre 594-9
20 Bread and jam for Frances Russell Hoban EK 843-159=2

담당자 :
도서관 051-419-5672
최근업데이트 :
2023-06-02 09:57:20
만족도 조사

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